Team’s Poster Wins Top Award at Spring MRS Meeting
A Materials Science and Engineering team received first place in the poster session at Symposium T at the spring 2011 Materials Research Society meeting.
Poster authors Dr. Amanda Carrillo, Ana Salas-Villasenor, Israel Mejia, Dr. Bruce Gnade and Dr. Manuel Quevedo-Lopez were honored for their poster “Chemical bath deposited lead sulphide thin films as pMOS channel material for flexible electronics.”
As the leading North American events focused on materials science, the Materials Research Society’s spring and fall meetings attract several thousand attendees.
Carrillo, the poster’s lead author, is being supported through a joint project between Mexico’s National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the U.S. Air Force Office of Sponsored Research. The project is led by Quevedo-Lopez, an associate professor of materials science and engineering, and Dr. Servando Aguirre from the Center for Advanced Materials (CIMAV) in Mexico.
Carrillo was born in Coahuila, Mexico, and completed her bachelor’s degree in chemical sciences at the University of Coahuila in 2005 with a minor in ceramic materials. She completed her PhD in materials science at the University of Coahuila last year, working on the synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials by the sol-gel process. She joined Quevedo’s group last August as a postdoctoral fellow and is currently working on chemical bath deposition of II-VI thin films for flexible electronics.