UT Dallas > Material Science Engineering > Research > Research Awards Fall 2023


Faculty Awards

Three Minute Thesis Award

Congratulations to Dr. William Vandenberghe from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering for receiving the Three Minute Thesis award in 2023. Dr. Vandenberghe says, “In the 3MT competition, professors outline their research using one slide and presentation limited to 3 minutes.” Professor Vandenberghe won this year’s competition by explaining how his work on two-dimensional materials connects ancient Egyptian technology to the smartphone his daughter wants for Christmas!

Tech Titans Technology Innovator Award

Congratulations to Dr. Walter Voit from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering for receiving the Tech Titans Technology Innovator award in 2023. Voit has developed flexible additive manufacturing resins through Adaptive 3D, a Desktop Metal company he founded. Benjamin Lund PhD’10 was also recognized as the company’s polymer research director. https://pulse.ly/g6x9ou8v5s

Research Awards 2023

We are proud to recognize our faculty who have collectively earned research awards totaling more than $32.5 million since July 2023:

Principal Investigator (PI)Award AgencyTitle
Dr. Massimo Fischetti US Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchRadiation Effect in Electronic Materials, Circuits, Devices, and Systems: Theoretical   Study of Electronic Transport and Thermalization
Dr. Kyeongjae ChoDepartment of DefenseEnergy Storage Systems Campus
Dr. Jiyoung KimInha UniversitySRA: Research with International Future Semiconductor Innovation   and Commercialization
Dr. Kevin BrennerNational Science FoundationStrain Effects in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Field‐Effect Transistors
Dr. Kyeongjae ChoSCI: SEEDSCI: UTD Center for Energy Storage Research (ESR)
Dr. Jiyoung KimCerfe Labs/US Air ForceCeRAM ALD sub-contract in support of AFRL FA8650-22-F-5402
Dr. Massimo FischettiUS Air Force OSRRadiation Effect in Electronic Materials, Circuits, Devices, and   Systems: Theoretical Study of Electronic Transport and Thermalization
Dr. Orlando Auciello
The Department of Veterans AffairsNovel Squid Glaucoma microShunt
Dr. William VandenbergheVirginia TechPhononic Traveling Wave Parametric Amplification using   Heterostructures of Highly Nonlinear Materials
Dr. Jiyoung KimBrookhaven National LabAngstrom Era Semiconductor Patterning Material Development Accelerator
Dr. Jiyoung KimCOSAR/Sungkyunkwan University KoreaResearch and development in the area of materials science and engineering, particularly   focusing on creative multilevel materials.